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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

The vision for Springdale First School is that, "Every Child Matters", which means that every child will fulfil their potential. Underpinning this are the high aspirations and expectations which all members of the school community have for each child.

Some children have a Special Educational Need or disability which means that they require educational provision which is different or additional to the provision that meets the needs of the majority of children.

There is no place at our school for discrimination of any kind, and we take our duty with regard to equality and inclusion seriously.

Information regarding Springdale's approach to ensuring that the needs of all children are met is detailed in our SEND policy and the School's Core Offer. These documents may be accessed by following the links below or by contacting the school office.

If you wish to discuss any matter relating to SEND please contact Miss Debbie Budden (Headteacher) or Mrs Simonne Burgess (Inclusion Leader - SEND/PP/attendance) at the school.

SEND Local Offer for BCP Council