We believe that looking smart helps children to take pride in themselves and all that they do.
Our uniform supplier is Brigade Clothing however most of the following items may be obtained from the large chain stores or from school wear shops.
Please see the flyer below from Brigade which includes deadline dates for ordering uniform and helpful measuring guides.
Springdale First School Uniform Policy 23-26
School Uniform 
- Royal blue pinafore dress
- Royal blue skirt
- White polo neck, polo shirt or white blouse
- Royal blue cardigan, sweater or school sweatshirt
- White socks, white, royal blue tights.
- Royal blue and white checked or striped dress with FRONT opening for summer wear.
- Grey trousers/shorts
- White polo neck, polo shirt or white shirt/blouse
- Royal blue cardigan, sweater or school sweatshirt
- Grey socks
Children may choose from one of the above sections. Fashion clothes and shoes are discouraged.
- PE Kit in a shoe bag
- Royal blue shorts
- Blue school PE T-shirt
- Velcro trainers
- Tracksuit - Black or Navy Blue plain, no logos (not needed in Foundation Stage)
- Hair-band to tie back long hair
Foundation Stage
A named spare pair of pants and socks in a carrier bag.
Years 3 & 4
Suitable footwear and games kit for football and rugby in separate bag.
Summer wear
- Open toes sandals are NOT suitable for school as they offer no protection for toes and increase the risk of tripping. Lightweight shoes or closed in sandals are much safer. Socks must be worn throughout the year.
- Sun hats are essential for outdoor PE and for break times.
- Sun cream should be applied at home – NO sun cream should be sent into school.
- Sunglasses may only be worn if there is a genuine medical reason in which case please write to the Headteacher.
Personal property
Money - Young children are experts at losing money, so please ensure that all money sent to school is in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the name of the child, the class and the purpose for which it is intended.
Pens and pencils - Pencils, pens etc are provided for the children's use - pencil cases are not needed, with the exception of Y3 and Y4 who provide their own stationery.
Jewellery - For safety reasons, only stud earrings may be worn by children with pierced ears. No other jewellery should be worn at school. Jewellery must not be worn in PE. Spectacles can be worn during PE with written parental consent.
Mobile Phones – If your child brings a mobile phone to school it must be left in the office until home time.
Nail varnish - Nail varnish is not to be worn in school.
School Bags - Large backpacks are a safety hazard in our limited cloakroom areas. Please bear this in mind if your child needs to bring a bag to school. Lightweight rucksacks are recommended.
Lost property
Unmarked lost property is kept in a container in the reception area. Children may look there for anything they have lost. The container is emptied at the end of each term and any remaining items are disposed of.